Run Time: 27:30
in On Point, Podcasts

Power of “The Collective”

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Here's an inside look at how an insuretech can pivot. Montreal-based "Breathe Life" originally thought it would muscle into the insurance industry and work directly with consumers. But it moved away from aiming to disrupt agents and carriers. In this enlightening installment, Ian Jeffrey, founder and CEO, says Breathe Life began to see success with insurance customer experience software when it combined developers with "people who know the insurance world." Home-grown carrier software won't be as powerful as software licensed across dozens of carriers. "We can do better as a collective than anyone can do on their own," Ian says. "One carrier spent $35 million on a technology solution and has nothing to show for it. We raised $4.7 million and have 9 customers and have software that works. Carriers and brokers are way better at other things; we're way better at software."

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