Run Time: 27:07
in On Point, Podcasts

Power of Customer Data

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Sometimes our best lessons are simple reminders. Agents and brokers spend most of their time marketing new business and generating leads. But what about retention? Firms can create a ton of value by cross-selling and upselling existing clients, says Ido Deutsch with insurtech Agentero on this recording. His data proves it. Say your firm has average gross growth 16.6%. Some 50% of that likely is cut by policy and customer churn -- so your true net growth is only 8%. Account rounding builds higher retention and long-term wealth. The parallels are there for any sales culture. What are you doing first -- online and offline -- to truly engage with clients? Is your firm's only measure of sales and growth a "new customer?" Are you taking care of who you already have? If not, why not?

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