Run Time: 32:23
in On Point, Podcasts

Pandemic Fears? Elevate Your ‘Significance’

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The COVID-19 pandemic brings grief to business owners. But there is hope, which is what you'll hear in this inspiring recording with futurist Daniel Burrus, who has addressed insurance technology audiences. Dan talks about trends - what he calls "hard trends" or things that in fact will happen, vs. "soft trends," or developments that can be changed. A soft trend example is the pandemic: With our behavior, we can impact how many people get infected. A hard trend is the fact that pandemics end, Dan says. Anticipate that now, he says: What will you be remembered for, if anything, out of this crisis? "You need to think about it, especially as a business owner. There is something better than focusing on success, which is all about you and your company. The virus is giving us the opportunity to make the shift to significance. Significance is not about you. It's about what you do for others. Ask what it is you can do to ease the pain of your associates, customers and their families. Even if you aren't my customer, I can help you. This is not a sales call. If you as an individual or a company are elevating your significance right now, you'll find yourselves much more successful later." You'll enjoy this podcast!

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