Run Time: 24:09
in On Point

Jill Roth: A Young Agent Making a Difference

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Refreshing is the word comes to mind in describing independent agent Jill Roth, EVP Marketing with Ahart, Frinzi & Smith. In this podcast, Jill outlines her customer and prospect marketing role in a traditional family owned agency and how she has bridged the generational and connected versus non-connected gaps. For example, she reviews setting up an "Everyone in the agency sells" program and how they use social media to support that effort. On a completely different topic she talks about her and her brother's plan to perpetuate the agency. Finally, Jill provides great insight into how working in an agency is the perfect job for a millennial. In her words: "As a young woman I can't find a better profession." Want to get excited about the future of our industry? Listen to this podcast!

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